After changing a symbol, how to update a device with the new symbol


I have a device in a custom eagle library, consisting of a symbol and a package.
In the editor, I've swapped two symbol pins.

How can I bring the new symbol into the device?
It does not seem to flow automatically.
I understand of course that at least two pins on the symbol to package mapping will need adjustment as well.

So far I've been able to delete the symbol and bring the new one in, but at the cost of having to reconnect all the pins. There must be a better way, and hopefully you are about to share the secret. Thanks.

Best Answer

You can disconnect pins from the package one by one and then reconnect them. Press 'connect' on the device screen . Select connected device, then the pin/pad pair and press 'disconnect'. If you want to have a part in a package similar to one already present you can use 'copy from' dropdown on the same screen.

Can't quite understand the issue though. On freshly created parts I shuffle pins around a lot till the schematic looks pretty; they just stay connected to the package unless I attempt to change name in which case I'd have to disconnect first.