Alpha/Beta Parameters of BJT


The BJT Current equations are given as :-

IE = IC + IB

IC = \$\alpha\$ IE

IC = \$\beta\$ IB

Does the relations with \$\alpha\$ and \$\beta\$ parameters include the reverse saturation current ICBO also ? Or should it be added separately ? Thanks.

Best Answer

The first equation you wrote is correct.

$$I_E = I_C+I_B \tag1 $$

But he other two equations are written by neglecting the reverse saturation currents \$I_{CBO}\$ and \$I_{CEO}\$. The original equations are:

$$\begin{align} I_C &= \alpha I_E + I_{CBO} \tag{2}\\ I_C &= \beta I_B + I_{CEO}\\ &=\beta I_B + (\beta +1)I_{CBO} \tag{3}\end{align}$$