Avalanche Photodiode Current Gain


I'm designing a readout circuit for an APD manifactured by Hamamatsu Photonics (datasheet). However, I've found myself lacking some information about exactly how would the device behave in my particular application. The datasheet supplies the gain M, the dark count and photon detection efficiency, but no information whatsoever about leakage and noise current, so I am unable to extrapolate what kind of current characteristics the device has. Particularly when constructing a transimpedance amplifier, I'd need to have an idea of the photodiode current at a specific light level (my goal is to work at low to no light) – how exactly could I find that out from the datasheet?

Best Answer

Sure it does. This photodiode works by having a detected photon kick loose an electron, which then undergoes an avalanche amplification with an amplification factor M. So each dark count produces (on average) M electrons. Multiply by the dark count rate and you have the dark current in electrons. Noise in these devices is a complex subject, and you need to do some research outside the data sheet to understand it.