Boolean algebra x=A.B.C+A’C


I have a question on Boolean algebra

I have to simplify the following expressions-

(1) x = ABC+A'C (where A'=notA)

    = BC(A+A')

    = BC(1)

    = BC

(2) q = R'S'T'(R'+S'+T')

     = R'R'S'T'+S'R'S'T'+T'R'S'T'

     = R'S'T+R'S'T'+R'S'T'

     = R'S'T'

(3) z = (B+C')(B'+C)+A"+B'+C"

(4) y = (C'+D')+A'CD'+A'B'C'+A'B"CD+ACD'

Im new to the Boolean algebra and want to know if the first two questions(1&3) are correct.

and if possible,i need some help simplifying the last two question(3&4) I have no idea were to start


Best Answer


C (AB + A')

C (B + A') or BC + A'C

  1. is correct.

  2. Assuming '' is legitimate.

A'' = NOT NOT A = A First two terms are an XOR. Multiply them out.

Then look for common terms and minimize.

Here's a link to boolean rules. Try and repost.

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