Cadence encounter power analysis


I have written a verilog code for a circuit (test.v) and a testbench (testd_tb.v). I use these commands for generating the power using cadence encounter RTL compiler.
I have made 3 folders. Work, RTL(where all .v files are stored), Library (which has slow_normal.lib).
In the work folder I type these commands :

  1. rc -gui (to invoke the encounter tool)
  2. set_attribute lib_search_path ../library
  3. set_attribute hdl_search_path ../rtl
  4. set_attribute library slow_normal.lib
  5. read {test.v}
  6. elaborate
  7. synthesize -to_mapped
  8. report power

The above commands help me to generate the power for the design but I am unable to get test bench specific power output. Kindly do suggest me the changes that can be made in this code.

Best Answer

  1. Testbenches need not be read into synthesis tool
  2. Testbench is used to simulate verilog code

You need the TCF file from simulator to generate accurate power reports.

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