Electrical – BJT how to explain in terms of conventional current flow


Conventional current flow always confuses me.
enter image description here

For electron flow, i can explain how the BJT functions.
When there is a small current flow from Base to Emitter, more positive holes are created which reduces the depletion region.
Electrons from Emitter then diffuse across the depletion region and move through the Base-Collector depletion region which is thin.

How do i explain this in terms of conventional current flow?


Best Answer

Conventional current flow is nothing more than a mathematical convention for assigning voltage polarities across components in a circuit. Period. It is completely unrelated to the concepts of analyzing majority and minority charge carriers ("hole flow" and "electon flow") in materials.

In your figure, blacken out the interior of the BJT so you do not know what's inside it or its theory of operation at the atomic lattice level. Now reverse the directions of all the current arrows, keep the voltage values and polarities the same, and bingo: you have the conventional current flow analysis of the circuit.