Electrical – Boolean expression problem with Logic Friday


I don't know if I'm doing this wrong, but Logic Friday's minimized form for this two equations is one. I tried with a K-map and is not.

F= ABC + ABD + ACD + B'C'D + ACD' + A'B'D

(my result is AD+B'D+AC)

G= BC + A'B'C'+BC'+A'C

Best Answer

Wolfram Alpha appears to give the right answer. I used their Boolean Algebra widget since for some reason it didn't recognize the same formula entered on their main page as a Boolean algebra expression.

I entered:

(A and B and C) or (A and B and D) or (A and C and D) or (not B and not C and D) or (A and C and not D) or (not A and not B and D)

and it returned:

enter image description here

Interesting that they ask you to enter equations using AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR etc. but the results are displayed as shown above. Anyhow the first result (DNF, which stands for disjunctive normal form) matches your result.