Electrical – constant current source circuit 1550e


I am trying to design current source of 20mA for LED 1550e(thorlabs).The circuit designed gives accurate result in proteus simulation that LED is giving a voltage drop of around 1.2V and drawing 20mA current. But in actual the current passing through LED is around 70-80mA. So what is the error i am making. Schematic of circuit is as folows


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Results of my simulation are shown in the pictureenter image description here

Best Answer

If either D1 or D2 are not functioning i.e. there is an open circuit in the diodes, the base current (due to the 10k ohm) will be about 1mA and, given that the transistor will be ~close to saturation, it's hFE could be about 70 and hence you get ~70 mA through the LED.

Check the voltage on the base with respect to ground - if it appears to be about 2V then an open circuit (or reversed) diode is the problem.