Electrical – Deriving The transfer Function of a high Pass active second Order filter

operational-amplifiertransfer function

enter image description here

I have recently been trying to solve this transfer function an my professor keeps saying I have been doing wrong and I finally need help. I know my Gain is \$1+ \frac{R_A}{R_B}\$. but I keep getting extra stuff in my numerator. also I need to design it to 1 kHz cut off frequency. I test the transfer function out by using Matlab and seeing where the highest dB it can reach.

Best Answer

Regarding to derive the transfer function of this second order high pass active filter consider, for example, to apply the KCL to nodes A and B on the figure below (assuming an ideal op. amp.):

enter image description here

$$ \left\{\begin{matrix} \frac{V_A-V_i}{\frac{1}{sC_1}}+ \frac{V_A-V_O}{R_2}+\frac{V_A-V_B}{\frac{1}{sC_2}}=0 & (1)\\ \frac{V_B-V_A}{\frac{1}{sC_2}}+ \frac{V_B}{R_1}+0= 0 & (2) \end{matrix}\right. $$


$$ V_B=\frac{V_oR_B}{R_A+R_B} $$

in (1) and (2):

$$\left\{\begin{matrix} (V_A-V_i)sC_1+ \frac{V_A-V_O}{R_2}+(V_A-\frac{V_oR_B}{R_A+R_B})sC_2=0 & (3)\\ (\frac{V_oR_B}{R_A+R_B}-V_A)sC_2+\frac{V_oR_B}{(R_A+R_B)R_1}=0 & (4) \end{matrix}\right.$$

From (4): $$ V_A=\frac{V_oR_B}{R_A+R_B}\left ( 1+\frac{1}{sR_1C_2} \right ) $$

Returning with this expression on (3) and, after a long algebraic manipulation, it's possible to obtain \$\frac{V_o}{V_i}\$ as:

$$ \frac{V_o(s)}{V_i(s)}=\frac{\left( 1+\frac{R_A}{R_B}\right)R_1R_2C_1C_2s^2}{R_1R_2C_1C_2s^2+\left[ R_2C_1+R_2C_2 - \frac{R_A}{R_B}R_1C_2 \right]s+1} $$

The cut-off frequency (in Hz) is given by:

$$ f_c=\frac{1}{2\pi\sqrt{R_1R_2C_1C_2}} $$