Electrical – Designing light blinkers using 555 timer ic


I need to design light blinker which are mostly used on road side for indication purpose. Their main purpose is to blink with a rate of 500ms or 1sec. These type of circuits contains two PCBs, one is 555 timer circuit and another one is led circuit. Now I have studied about 555 timer and have calculated the values of resistance and capacitance required for 1sec blink. Following is the circuit for timer:

enter image description here

So I have used a R1=1K R2=150K C=10uF. At the output pin I connected a led via 330ohms resistance and led was blinking with 1sec delay. Now I need to design the led circuit for blinker. Total leds will be around 170 and I need to control all the leds with this 555 circuit and blink them with 1sec. Now I am confused how to design this circuit. How to connect all the leds(parallely or in series) to avoid voltage drop. I will be using 5MM led with 330ohm resistor. I guess I need to connect them parallely to avoid voltage drop but I am not sure. Is there any other circuit I need to add to avoid voltage drop. Does anyone has already made such kind of circuits. Any help or reference guide please. Thanks

Best Answer

You don't say what the LED voltage is, or (more importantly) the LED current, but definitely you cannot drive 170 LEDs directly.

So you will need something like a single N-channel MOSFET to drive the LEDs. If each LED is 10mA and they are all in parallel, then you need to drive 1.7A. The 555 can drive the MOSFET gate directly, preferably with a small resistor in series. Make sure the MOSFET type (gate drive) is suitable for the 555 output voltage, especially if it is much less than 10V.

Suppose that your supply is 5V and your LED Vf is 1.8V, you could connect them in pairs with 140 ohms per LED pair. (5-2*1.8)/0.01A = 140. Then the current would be only 0.85A (half the total current draw). With higher supply voltage it would be possible to put more LEDs in each small series chain.



simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

There are a lot of MOSFET and LED questions on this site. Please give this a try and hopefully you can figure it out.

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