Electrical – Driving servo motor with PWM signal

duty cyclepwmservo

I want to drive servo motor with PWM signal.Servo motor rotation angle changes with the ratio of the duty cycle.Generally , servo motor rotation angle according to PWM can be seen in figure below.enter image description here

Suppose that

  1. I apply duty cycle with 1ms but Vmax=12V and V min =-12V
  2. I apply same duty cycle but Vmax=12V and Vmin=0V .

In both cases ,will I obtain same rotation angle on the servo motor?If not ,Is there spesific Vmax and Vmin voltage to rotate servo like in figure above?

Best Answer

According to manual... which you can find on web enter image description here

Degree (') Position for 50Hz cycle rate.
-90 ' ~1ms pulse - all the way to the left
0 ' 1.5 ms pulse - in the middle
90 ' ~2ms pulse - all the way to the right.