Electrical – Eagle PCB components do not match pin layout of actual components


I a using an arduino and an ADXL335 accelerometer for a project, and trying to make the PCB for it. Unfortunately, all the eagle lbr files for these two components seem to be wrong. None of the lbr files match the actual pin configuration. Is this an issue during the schematic phase? Can changes to the pin locations be made in the board design phase? Or will the pin layouts have to be corrected in the schematic phase. If so, how can the components be adjusted to match the actual component layout?

Best Answer

The arangement of the pins on a schematic symbol are irrelevant, as long as the pin number for a given function matches the PCB footprint pin number and position for that function.

For most ICs, the schematic symbol is designed for easy layout and understanding of the schematic, so the pin arrangement will rarely match the arrangement on the actual component.