Electrical – has only one pin and Nets Wire has multiple names in Altium multi Sheet


I have two sheets which my ports are defined on them. I tried to use multi sheets (two copies from sheet 1 and one copy from sheet2) but I am faced with these two errors :

  1. has only one pin(Sheet4.SchDoc, Net NetU1_29 has only one pin (Pin U1-29))
  2. Nets Wire has multiple names(Sheet4.SchDoc Nets Wire CLK has multiple names (Sheet Entry U_Sheet1-CLK(Passive),Sheet Entry U_Sheet2-CLK(Passive),Sheet Entry U_Sheet5-Port1(Passive)))

I followed duplicate net names wire but these errors still available.

enter image description here
enter image description here
enter image description here

Best Answer

In project options make these settings: enter image description here

Add netlabels to the toplevel sheet:

enter image description here


enter image description here

Please, use only 100mil schematic grids. You will thank me later.
The modified design files can be downloaded from here (expires in 30 days):
