Electrical – How does a 700W PSU deliver so much power when most wall sockets are limited to about 20 amps

basiccurrentpower supplyvoltage

I will be using a computer power supply to power a car audio amp for a project. The amp is 500w and my PSU is 750w. I never considered it until now, but how does the PSU deliver this? P=VI so 750w=12VI(internal lines are 12V,5V,3.3V and the 12V will be used to run the amp). So I=62.5A. This obviously can't be drawn from a regular outlet.

So I'm guessing that I'm doing this calculation on the wrong side of the PSU. In this case 750=110*I so, I=6.81A. A much more reasonable draw.

Is this correct?

Best Answer

Yes it is correct.

The power supply converts power with small losses. So IV formula on both sides with respectable voltages.

Because of the mentioned losses it would draw more than 700W from the outlet (~750-800W I would expect for an decent power supply).

So for 800W on the input it translates to ~7A (in US).