Electrical – How to analyze RL circuit with sequential switching

circuit analysisinductorswitches

I am trying to solve this question:


However, I am having difficulties solving as I only have come across circuits which are initially closed then opened, not vice versa as is the case here. Specifically, I am trying to construct the simplified circuit for t<0. Usually, for the latter case, the inductor is a short circuit for the 20 Ohm resistor if t<0. However, I am unsure how it acts as this circuit starts open and then becomes closed.

So far, all I have been able to do is to a source transformation, making the current source a 150 V voltage source and combining the 10 and 5 Ohm resistors.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Best Answer

for t<0 you have this circuit :


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

first, you should calculate IL for t<0: enter image description here

When SW1 move from a to b we have this circuit:


simulate this circuit

enter image description here


simulate this circuit

the equivalent resistor of 5 and 20 ohm is 4 So you have :


simulate this circuit

enter image description here

to obtain voltage equation we derivate the current equation:

enter image description here