Electrical – How to connect the crystal to generate a simple pulse


I have a 4Mhz (YIC 4.000006 ) crystal. I would like to generate a simple square or sine wave (whichever requires the least components), only for learning purposes, no practical use. I want to be able to see the output on a oscilloscope.

I can't seem to find any tutorials that explain how the crystal is connected/works. I believe I'm using the wrong search terms. Whenever I search for a 'crystal oscillator' I get results of complex schematics (I'm a beginner), but I'm looking for the most primitive way to get some kind of output out of the crystal as I'm trying to learn how it works, but now I'm completely clueless on how to even connect it.

What is the most primitive way using only the standard components to generate any kind of pulse/wave/output from the crystal, so I could pick it up using an oscilloscope? Thanks!

Best Answer

Can't get much simpler than an inverter crystal oscillator:

enter image description here