Electrical – How to make the state diagram from the code in Verilog


How do I draw the state diagram of this state machine?
enter image description here

Best Answer

You have 2 Flip-Flops. Each of them can have 2 states.

So your entire Verilog code has 2^2 = 4 states:

  • QA=0, QB=0
  • QA=0, QB=1
  • QA=1, QB=0
  • QA=1, QB=1

By using the "CLR" input you get into the state QA=0, QB=0 from anywhere.

The output of your code is "QA". So two of these states have an output of 0 and two of them have an output of 1.

For each of the 4 states you'll have to think what happens when a clock pulse comes and the input is 0 and what happens when the input is 1.

From each of the 4 states you will have (up to) two transitions to another state. Depending on the notation you use you either draw an arrow from a state to the same state or you don't draw the corresponding arrow at all if the state does not change.


As far as I didn't do a mistake the state after the reset (QA=0, QB=0) cannot be left any more.