Electrical – How to reset an integrator ONLY with RLC and op-amps


I am trying to reset an integration circuit that is designed like above — but obviously with another resistor attached to the op-amp positive input side as well. I have used 4.7k\$\Omega\$ resistors for both and a 1\$\mu\$F capacitor for C1. (I just did an experiment with this design and it turned out to work, so I didn't change it)

But the problem is that I want to reset the integrator every 5ms but without using anything else than resistors, inductors, capacitors and operational amplifiers. I have tried replacing the switch with two series 500mH inductors, and that circuit did reset the integrator but I have no idea how to use the output(the only thing that noticeably changes seems to be the minimum value of the output voltage). Any ideas on how to do accomplish this? 🙁

More details on what I'm trying to do: I'm using an ultrasonic sensor which gives me a 5V pulse starting when the ultrasound is fired, and until it is reflected back — i.e. the pulse width is proportional to the distance between the sensor and the object, so I'm using an integrator to measure the width of the pulse. I am measuring the distance every 5ms, as the object gets closer and closer to the sensor from 50cm away. I got the number 5ms from the time it takes for ultrasound to travel 100cm(50cm back and forth), which is about 3ms, and just added 2ms as the time for the integrator to reset.

Any help would be appreciated, I've been stuck on this for this entire week 🙁

Best Answer

Something like this:

enter image description here

Except you have to put your own stuff in feedback.