Electrical – How to simplify a circuit with ideal current source and ideal voltage source


I'm currently trying to gain an understanding of Thévenin and Norton equivalent circuits and I've run into a circuit I simply don't understand. I've been researching online, but I've just run into contradictory information that often isn't helpful to begin with.

Here's the circuit:
Here's the circuit:

I could simplify this circuit, but that ideal current source is my big roadblock. I'm currently trying to find the voltage between A and B.

I don't even know where to start. If someone could show me the right direction, that would be great! Thanks

Best Answer

The leftmost 100 ohm resistor from your schematic can be excluded form analysis - voltage across it is constant at 5V. Let assume that current in the 160 ohm resistor is I2 and current in 50+50 ohm resistor is I1. One than can write following equations : I1 + I2 = 3A, I2*160 - 5V - I1*100 = 0. Hope this helps.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab