Electrical – Is it possible to talk with Attiny85 via serial interface


Alright, I know this question is pretty silly, but I have stumbled upon different posts saying opposing things. So to make a conclusion, does anyone knows for sure if it's possible to send data via serial communication to one of Attiny85 pins?

I would use CH340G to convert USB to serial from PC and then forward the info to Attiny85. Idea is to create a rather small device that could control 2-3 relays depending on the received commands. It would be nice that Attiny85 could reply to my requests and now just receive them (Rx/Tx) but Rx channel would work also.

Best Answer

For this simple task you can use a software UART like Here is an example.

SPI is rather unusual to use with a PC and makes control software more complicated and I understand you don't want that.

Not sure why you use USB to serial,you don't have an RS232 port or you find it"s TTL output handy. If you have an RS232 port on your PC you can use-it with some simple resistor level translator and inverting the RX input.

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