Electrical – Sampling data at 5MHz with 50Mhz clock in Verilog


I'm trying to make a controller for the MAX31855 thermocouple IC.
My FPGA works at 50MHz and this IC works at 5MHz, so I'm using a frequency divider to get the 5MHz clock signal.

Now the IC is sending to the FPGA their 32 data bits, at 1 bit per clock cycle. So I don't exactly how to sample this (5MHz) bit stream with a 50Mhz clock signal.

I'm also thinking in metastability problems.

Any idea?

Best Answer

You say you have a frequency divider. But that is just the beginning. Indeed you have to add a synchroniser for the serial input. I looked at the datasheet and you need an SPI interface without the transmit part. That means you also need a chip select, serial/parallel converter, . I am not going to write that for you (After all that is what I earn my money with) so I am going to give you the most important snippets:

  always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n)
      if (!reset_n)
         ser_in_meta <= 1'b0;
         ser_in_sync <= 1'b0;     
         // Sync input on system clock 
         ser_in_meta <= ser_in;
         ser_in_sync <= ser_in_meta;

         // Divide by 10 counter
         if (clock_div==4'd9)
            clock_div <= 4'd0;
            clock_div <= clock_div + 4'd1;

        // Symmetrical 1/10 system clock
        if (clock_div==4'd0)
           ser_clk <= 1'b0;
           if (clock_div==4'd4)
              ser_clk <= 1'b1;

        if (sample)
           bit_count <= bit_count + 5'h1;
           // Receive: MS bit arrives first 
           shift_in  <= {shift_in[30:0],ser_in_sync};                    

   // pick up the data just before the falling clock edge 
   assign sample  = (clock_div==4'd9);

The Maxim datasheet says the data is changing max 40ns after the falling clock edge. So pick it up just before.