Electrical – segment on 4 digit 7 segment not displaying


Segment E on digit 3 has stopped working for some reason. It was working fine when I first got but just recently stopped working. This segment displays fine on the other digits except digit 2, that one has started to fade. Here is a picture of the display. Any ideas on what could be causing it to be not working and/or how to fix it.enter image description hereenter image description here

Best Answer

You have most probably burned the segment in question. The use of only one resistor per digit is the main reason. You need use a resistor for each segment. Furthermore to prevent losing a nex display again use a larger resistor to begin with. With 330 or 390 ohm per segment it will work fine.

With the use of one resistor per digit you can not control the actual segment current and since no diode is equal there will always be one that takes a larger current than the remaining segments. Therefore change over to one resistor per segment.