Electrical – the connection of this synchronous motor



so yeah I took this picture of the terminal box of the synchronous motor we're cleaning. I can't distinguish what is wye or delta when it's shown like this. what are the indications that a connection is wye/delta?

Best Answer

Each of the three power lines for a delta connection must be connected to one end of two of three phase coils. That is what is shown.

For a wye connection, each of the three power lines must be connected to one end of one of the three phase coil. The other end of each phase coil must be connected together to form a neutral. There is no external connection to the neutral. That connection would be made if the three jumper links were to be removed and replaced to connect together either the red, orange and yellow leads or the blue green and black leads. The three leads without jumper links would be the power connections. Only two links would be required, but the third would be stored on top of one of the other two.

The wye connection would look something like this:

enter image description here