Electrical – the meaning of “The transistors Q1,Q2 are identical” and of “Q1/Q2 = 10”

analogcircuit analysistransistors

What is the meaning of the given data

Two transistors Q1,Q2 are identical

Does it mean that they have the same working point (I_C,V_CE), or maybe that only one of these parameters is identical? Or maybe it means that the \beta is also identical? I encounter this data from time to time but I can't find anywher the definition.. i.e.

"We say that two transistors Q1 and Q2 are identical if: 1)…,2)… etc.."

I have the same problem with the data of sizes relation i.e. I can't find the definition for:

"We say that two transistors satisfy Q1/Q2 = 10 if: 1)…,2)… etc.."

I would be very helpful for me if anyone would know these definitions or where to find them..


Best Answer

Two transistors Q1,Q2 are identical

Unfortunately you do not describe in which context this statement is made.

I have seen such statements before in the context of analog IC design. On a chip we can make transistors that are "identical" in the sense that they have very similar transistor parameters like \$\beta\$ and what \$V_{BE}\$ you get under certain circumstances.

This has nothing to do with "external parameters" like \$V_{CE}\$ because these are mostly defined by the circuit in which a transistor is used.

On an IC transistors can be identical as they're all made at the same time.

Discrete transistors can be identical but you'll have to do your best to find a pair that is identical enough. You might never find a pair like that.

The most basic application of "identical" transistors is a current mirror:

enter image description here

Where TR1 converts I1 into a (\$V_{BE}\$) voltage which is then applied to an identical transistor TR2 which then makes a copy of I1 flow, which is I2.

For identical transistors I1 = I2 (ignoring some 2nd order effects).