Electrical – Using motor encoder with VESC

brushless-dc-motorencodermotor controller

I want to use this BLDC motor on a project. In its datasheet, the encoder pin sequence is shown as follows.

encoder pins

I want to control this motor with a VESC. There is an overview of the board here. In it, the encoder connector is described as below

enter image description here

Can someone please tell me if I can connect the motor encoders to this connector? (Presumably the ABI) I want to measure the distance traveled at the end of the day.

Best Answer

From your pictures, I have an opininon that this VESC can connect different type of encoders:

  • Hall type (HALL)
  • Quadrature incremental with zero index (ABI)
  • SPI encoder (AS5047)

Your encoder has embedded two types: quadrature AB no index, and hall. AB are quadrature incremental encoder output, while U,V,W are hall encoder outputs. From your pic, the U,V,W are going to H1, H2, H3. To not be confused with U,V,W motor power output.

Hall encoders are absolute type each sensor is placed at 120 degrees electrical angle. Quadrature can be arbitrary resolution, so you should somewhere configure the pulses per revolution and look in the manual if it can work without index (zero) signal (IMO no).

You have to watch out the specified voltage range of the encoders.