Electrical – What’s the minimum amount of transistors I need to operate a stepper motor

coilmotorstepper motortransistors

I would like to know the minimum amount of transistors to operate a stepper motor.
Could I pilote it with one transistor or I need one transistor for every coil?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: the minimum number N of transistors I should connect to ports to drive the stepper motor.
For example, if I have 4 coils, I think I should have 4 bjt to drive my motor http://electronic-projects.50webs.com/image/1.jpg.

My question is actually: does exist a stepper motor with 4 coils that could I drive with only one of these bjt like this? http://playwithrobots.com/images/old/one%20transistor%20motor.jpg

(I know this last circuit is for dc motor but somebody told me I could drive a stepper motor with this same circuit…. is that true?)

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. A typical stepper motor with two coils.

It should be obvious that to generate a rotational sequence that one transistor is not enough to switch even a two-coil stepper motor.

DC motors and stepper motors are quite different. DC motors run continuously and are not capable of stepping.

The minimum number of switches required is shown in your first diagram: four.