Electrical – Will this 18650 tp4056 parallel circuit work for charging and simultaneous power supply or will things break

chargecircuit-designparallelpower supply


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Hey guys it's my first post here and i'm a bit unsure with this circuit, will it work or will there be some problems?

My suspicion is that the charging won't work correctly and there could be some under or over charging / balance issues but I'm not sure.

Also the current draw from the transformers will range from 500 mili amp to 4A depending on peripherals attached so on dead batteries im unsure if the transformers will get enough power as two tp4056's can only provide 2A, maybe a way of fixing it would be to add extra wires going from the tp4056 'in' pins to the 'in' pins of the transformers? (provided the micro usb 'in' supplies atleast 6A i would presume it could power the device while still charging the batteries?)


YH11062B boost converter data sheet

  • Input voltage: 2.6-5.5V
    Input Current: 0-3A
    Output voltage: 5V
    Output current: 0-2A
    Short circuit protection: Yes

TP4056 DATASHEET: https://dlnmh9ip6v2uc.cloudfront.net/datasheets/Prototyping/TP4056.pdf

Help would be much appreciated!

(EDIT: Datasheet + Circuit Diagram, hope this one is better //i'm new to circuit schematics)

Best Answer

Your new and improved schematic shows that you have parallel connected the batteries and charger outputs. There is no way for each charger to know which battery is being charged.

enter image description here

Figure 1. The only circuit given in the TP4056 datasheet.

With only one example application that datasheet doesn't give a lot of help. I'd look around for a similar chip with more sample applications.