Electrical – Will this variable voltage supply with variable current limit circuit work

linearlinear-regulatorlm317power supplyvoltage-regulator

I want to make a variable power supply with variable voltage and current.

Recently made a variable voltage supply using LM317 but I couldn't control the current so I want to try combining it with an LM317 current limiting circuit.

My input is a laptop power supply rated 19.5 V 3.42 A.


I want to use this as a lab bench power supply so I need to be able to vary the voltage and current with the potentiometers R2 and R1.

The image below is my circuit.

Will it work?

the circuit for the power supply

Best Answer

will it work? please feel free to point out any mistakes

The current limit potentiometer just isn't going to work - let's say you want to limit current to 1 amp; this requires a resistance of 1.25 ohms and the power rating of a 150th part of your potentiometer needs to be 1.25 watts. Given that pots have a linear power rating throughout the length of travel, the pot would need to be rated at 150 x 1.25 watts i.e. nearly 190 watts. Sure it will never see 190 watts but right at the end where you might want to limit current to 1 amp, that small fraction of pot track will see 1.25 watts thus the whole pot would need to be rated at 190 watts.

I would also recommend, that from each adjust pin to ground, you put a 10 uF capacitor to reduce the output noise of the rather ancient and noisy LM317 regulators. I'm assuming that you will also need fairly big heatsinks.

If you want a better design try this site called LEARNING ELECTRONICS. On that page they have a design for a fully adjustable power supply that uses an LM317 at the heart of it: -

enter image description here