Electronic – 9V from two AAA batteries plus charge pump: batteries in series or parallel


I am driving an OLED display via two AAA batteries plus a charge pump to step up the voltage to 9V. I was wondering if there is likely to be any significant difference in efficiency between (a) using the two batteries in parallel and using a charge pump to step up from 1.5V to 9V, or (b) connecting the batteries in series and stepping up from 3V to 9V.

Best Answer

You can calculate the efficiency by using \$n = 1 - \dfrac{p_{in}}{p_{out}}\$ and get the power \$p_{in}\$ by measuring the current from the batteries times the batteries voltage and the power \$p_{out}\$ by multiplying the current to the LED times the voltage across the LED(s) (at the output of the converter).

This assumes the converter has a filter capacitor. Use a scope and a shunt resistor of about 0.1 Ohms if not. Although trickier, you can estimate the current consumption by averaging the pulses height times the duty cycle.

$$I_{avg} = I_{peak} \times \frac{t_{on}}{t_{off}}$$

From my experience doing a lot of this sort of thing, using a higher voltage into a boost converter will improve efficiency.