Electronic – AC regime electric circuit problem


I am given the following problem:

When the switch S is closed, current I=(3-j) A. Find complex power of current generator Ig1, when the switch is opened, if it is known that when switch is opened, complex power of Ig2 is $$\underline{S_{g2}}^{(o)}=(10+j6) VA.$$
The following data is given:
$$\underline{Z}=(2-j2) \Omega$$
$$\underline{Z_1}=(1+j2) \Omega$$
$$\underline{Z_2}=\underline{Z_4}=(2+j4) \Omega$$
$$\underline{Z_3}=(2-j4) \Omega$$
$$\underline{I_{g1}}=(0.5+j1.5) A$$
$$\underline{E}=(7+j3.5) V$$


enter image description here


When the switch is closed, by using Potential of nodes method, we get the system of 3 equations with 4 unknowns, that is not solvable. If we use Contour currents method, we get the system of 2 equations with 4 unknowns, that is not solvable. In this case, we have the following unknown data: E2, E3, Ig2.

When the switch is opened, we get the same number of unknowns.

How to solve this problem?

Best Answer

Okay as outlined in my comments I'd rather go through a dividi et impera approach.

So first point, whatever happens to the switch SW, Z impedance and Ig2 generator the leftside of the circuit can for sure be modelled as per Norton's theorem.

enter image description here

Norton impedance can be worked out right away $$Z_\mathrm{n}=Z_1+Z_3+(Z_2 || Z_4)=4\,\Omega$$ while, for now, we have to leave Norton's current symbolic

Then we are told that with SW closed \$I=(3-\mathrm{j})\,\mathrm{A}\$ which in turn just means $$I_\mathrm{n}+I_\mathrm{g2}=-I=(-3+\mathrm{j})\,\mathrm{A}$$

Switching now SW open we need \$V_{54}\$ to calculate \$S_\mathrm{g2}^{(o)}\$ $$V_{54}=(Z_\mathrm{n} || Z)\,(I_\mathrm{n}+I_\mathrm{g2})=-(Z_\mathrm{n} || Z)\,I=(-4+\mathrm{j}4)\,\mathrm{V}$$

So now $$I_\mathrm{g2}^{(o)}=\left(\frac{S_\mathrm{g2}^{(o)}}{V_{54}}\right)^{*}=(-0.5+\mathrm{j}2)\,\mathrm{A}$$ and conversely $$I_\mathrm{n}=-I+I_\mathrm{g2}=(-2.5-\mathrm{j})\,\mathrm{A}$$

We have now completely defined Norton's equivalent of the whole left part of circuit to be \$Z_\mathrm{n}=4\,\Omega\$ and \$I_\mathrm{n}=(-2.5-\mathrm{j})\,\mathrm{A}\$.

It's now time to get back to its original and try to "fill in" its components.

Looking below at the unloaded Norton's equivalent we can measure an open circuit voltage $$V_\mathrm{n}=Z_\mathrm{n}\,I_\mathrm{n}=(-10-\mathrm{j}4)\,\mathrm{V}$$

The same voltage can obviously found at unloaded original circuit as \$V_{54}\$ but, given no current flowing in \$Z_1\$, the same voltage will also be at \$V_{14}\$

enter image description here

We have now to reverse bottom left corner circuit finding \$E_2\$ and \$E_3\$ which will give required \$V_\mathrm{n}\$.

This can be done in several ways, but splitting E voltage generator is probably the simplest.

Thevenin-izing E2,E3,E(left) into one single voltage generator \$E_\mathrm{t}\$ now clarifies that while we do not have enough relations to find \$E_2\$ and \$E_3\$ individual values, there must exist one single \$E_\mathrm{t}\$ achieving required \$V_\mathrm{n}\$.

In short $$Z_{324}=Z_3+(Z_2\,||\,Z_4)=(3-\mathrm{j}2)\,\Omega$$ $$E_\mathrm{t}=V_\mathrm{n}-Z_{324}\,I_\mathrm{g1}=(5.5+\mathrm{j}2)\,\mathrm{V}$$

So now that we have managed to dig out \$I_\mathrm{g1}\$ from Norton's equivalent we can finally fit it all back toghether.

enter image description here

$$V_{14}=\frac{\frac{E_\mathrm{t}}{Z_{324}}+I_\mathrm{g1}}{\frac{1}{Z_{324}}+\frac{1}{Z_1+Z}}=( 3.675 + \mathrm{j}3.975)\,\mathrm{V}$$

$$V_{13}=V_{14}-E=-3.325 + \mathrm{j}0.475)\,\mathrm{V}$$

and finally

$$S_\mathrm{g1}=V_{13}\,I_\mathrm{g1}^{*}=( -0.95 + \mathrm{j}5.225)\,\mathrm{VA}$$