Electronic – Adding a small protoboard-like area to a PCB


I'm currently laying out a PCB in eagle for a circuit that will form the basis for some experimentation. Instead of adding a row of headers so that I can plug it into a breadboard, I figured I would try and layout a small protoboard directly onto the PCB itself. I have room to spare on the board and the resulting creations will be somewhat more resilient. This PCB is a good example of what I'm shooting for.

I have considered using vias, but I seem to recall they are usually sealed off with a chemical to prevent solder from bonding. This is obviously not what I'm going for. Adding hundreds of single-pad components to my schematic does not seem very appealing either.

What is the best way of achieving this using Eagle?

EDIT: Thanks for your help everyone. Here's the design and here's the finished product.

enter image description here

Best Answer

At some point, with any EDA tool, you're probably going to have to create a custom part for something; so you might as well dive in and create a proto-area part with an array of pads the way you want. You need to make the schematic component for that as well and place it on your schematic.

This is a good technique also for design-specific holes, especially if the holes have to align to some externally defined dimensions. Having a pseudo-component in your schematic to call out those features would make those features "official" parts of your design.