Electronic – Addressing scheme with CAN bus


I'm going through some addressing schemes with CAN bus. I came across this post: Most efficient way to handle addressing / termination in a daisy-chained CAN bus?

There's a solution explained called EmCAN. The author says:

EmCan solves the node address problem without requiring special
hardware. For details, see the EmCan spec, but basically, each node
has a globally unique 7 byte ID. Each node periodically requests a bus
address and sends this ID. The collision detection mechanism will
guarantee that the bus master sees only one of these requests even if
multiple nodes send a address request at the same time. The bus master
sends a address assignment message that includes the 7 byte ID and the
assigned address, so at most one single node is assigned a new address
at a time.

So I'm thinking of this approach:

Until an address is assigned, nodes can only act upon broadcast messages from the bus master, and can only send requests for a address.

  1. There's an unique serial number of 8 bytes, derived from the unique chip identifier of the STM32.
  2. A node ID which is a number between 1 and 127

At first boots up, the node gets a default address 0. It sends its unique 8-byte serial number to master (in the data frame), which then assigns the node a shorter node ID between 1 and 127. As of that point, the node uses only the node ID assigned for communication.

So the big question: what if two nodes with no address assigned send the same address request with the same node Id of zero at boot up? This would cause a conflict no addressed by the CAN protocol.

Best Answer

That's what the serial number is for. CAN continues to monitor what is appearing on the line during transmission even after arbitration is over. If a device tries to place a recessive bit on the line bit outside of arbitration but detectes a dominant, it generates an error frame for that device.