Electronic – Adjustable Voltage Regulator that operates in the uA region as a Precision Current Regulator


I've been looking at all sorts of voltage regulators to suit my needs, I'm arranging an adjustable voltage regulator in such a way that I'm actually using it as a precision current source. Turns out I can't paste an image, but you can see the "Precision Current Limiter Circuit" on pg12 of the LM317 datasheet here: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm317.pdf

The idea is that there is a fixed voltage (enforced by the regulator) between the adjustable pin and the output pin. A resistor between those two nodes determines the output current.

My question is this: Is there an adjustable voltage regulator I can use at this setting for an output current of ~150uA? I haven't been able to find one that operates in this way below about 2mA.
This is the only way I know of to make a precision current regulator.

EDIT: here is a good image of a voltage regulator being used as a precision current source: http://diyaudioprojects.com/Technical/Current-Regulator/1-Amp-Current-Regulator-Scheamtic.png.

This is what I am trying to achieve but the voltage regulators don't operate as intended at such low current and so I haven't been able to achieve a regulated current regardless of the load.enter image description here

Best Answer

The LT3092 can be pretty useful: -

enter image description here

Set the ratio of Rset to Rout at 15 and you get 150 uA. Read the data shett for preferred values and performance expectations of course.

The REF200 can also be pretty good and you can set it to produce 150 uA (see figure 25 in data sheet for factoring a value of "N"): -

enter image description here