Electronic – Altium: reuse schematic AND pcb layout


I want to build a circuit with many repeating pieces of schematic/pcb layout, and I want to reuse both schematic & pcb layout. Altium offers to reuse schematic, or reuse pcb separately – via snippets and circuit sheets.

But is it possible to reuse both? I.e. when I place another instance of subcircuit to schematic, PCB layout is also automagically copied – and it's all automatically updates when I modify subcircuit… Copying & pasting manually does not work – as it will be a nightmare to maintain if I would need to modify cubcircuit (I will have ~200 instances and ~2000 discrete components total).

Could you suggest how to do it? We've found a script DesignReuse which does exactly this – but unfortunately it does not work in Altium 13: https://code.google.com/p/altium-designer-addons/downloads/detail?name=DesignReuse_v3.3.zip&can=2&q=

Best Answer

Like this? http://wiki.altium.com/display/ADOH/Snippets

Cannot test it right now, but it should work in AD13 as well.