Electronic – Analog multiplexer or analog to digital converter to add analog inputs to NodeMCU


I asked a question yesterday about the best analog multiplexer to use to add a few additional analog inputs to a NodeMCU. Someone recommended using an ADS1115 analog to digital converter. I am using this for an automatic garden watering project, where I need to read the values from multiple capacitive soil moisture sensors. Here is a link to the sensors- https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33042209039.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.52713c006kRBs8&mp=1
My question is, would an analog multiplexer or analog to digital converter be better for this project?

Best Answer

I asked a similar question here: Simple (low-performance) ADC multiplexer design

The final conclusion was that a multiplexer was dead easy to use out of the box. For watering, presumably, your sample rate will be in the minutes rather than milliseconds, so switching, stabilizing, and measuring, can easily happen without worrying about it taking too long.

I used the CD4051 multiplexer, which worked well and cost silly cheap on amazon.