Electronic – arduino – 12 V to 5 & 3.3 V regulator issue with Arduino and ESP8266

arduinoesp8266powerpower supplyvoltage-regulator

I built an electronic circuit that uses the Arduino IC (ATmega328P-PU) IC, and the ESP8266. I moved out the IC Circuit from the Arduino Board, and moved it into my own board, so that I could free myself from using the Arduino system, just using the IC.

The system that I am building has 4 water sensors and will trigger a web request when the sensor is triggered.

Everything works OK when I use the 5V and the 3.3V regulator built into the Arduino Board, but when I build my own, the 5V starts to get too hot very quickly. I know that the ESP8266 uses a lot of electricity, but I don't know how to support it with my current regulator setup. Also, usually about 3 seconds into it being powered on using a 12V power supply, it will stop working all together.

Note: I basically did moved my IC Board much like this: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard

The Parts that I am using are as follows:

Here is my circuits.io, it has the setup and the code:
enter image description here
enter image description here

R1: 10k
R2: 1k
R3: 2k
R3: 220
C1: 100u 20v
C2: 100u 20v

My basic and wiring schema for the ESP8266 setup is like this: http://www.martyncurrey.com/arduino-to-esp8266-serial-commincation/

Again, it works GREAT when the breadboard's power is using the Arduino's built in power regulator.

Also, please note, that I just tried this too, and everything wanted to start burning up just as it would have before: http://electronics-diy.com/3.3v-and-5v-power-supply.php
enter image description here
enter image description here

My question is: what am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

You connected your 3.3V regulator wrong.

Its pinout, as seen from the front, is Gnd/Vout/Vin:

LD1117V33-LD33V pinout

You connected it as Vout/Gnd/Vin. Since its Vout is connected to ground, it's likely the regulator is passing its maximum current straight to ground. The same current also has to go through the 5V regulator, which has to drop at least 7V, resulting in a large power dissipation and the regulator getting too hot.

Also, neither your circuit diagram nor your wiring diagram show a ground connection between your power circuit and the rest of your circuit; your esp8266 will never work that way.