Headphone Jack Voltage – Standard Voltage Range from a Phone

arduinoaudioiphonevoltage measurement

I want to connect the output from the audio jack of an iPhone to an Arduino.

What voltage range can I expect to see on the audio lines from the iPhone? I assume that turning the volume up on the phone will produce a large AC voltage, but how large does it go up to?

I want to make sure that it wont exceed the voltage level that an Arduino can read on its input pins. Will I need to provide any circuitry between the iPhone and the Arduino?

Best Answer

Commercial line out specification is to be able to drive 1 milliwatt to a 600 ohm load. For a sine wave, this means a voltage of 0.77 volts RMS (2.2 volts peak-to-peak) and a current of 1.3 milliamperes RMS (3.6 milliamperes peak-to-peak).