Electronic – arduino – Using the arduino toolchain as a convenent way to get GCC – Can you disable the code-munging


I've been using the Arduino toolchain as a extremely convenient way to get a complete GCC toolchain and build-system with basically zero effort a lot recently.

However, I'm currently working on some extremely low power applications, and in such a setup, I really need to have complete control and insight over everything going on in the MCU firmware. The Arduino default interrupts and libraries are getting in the way, as such.

Basically, is there any way to disable the code-munging the arduino toolchain does, and just use the whole affair as a convenient automatic-build-and-program system? I'm already basically just writing C and doing all my own forward defines anyways.

Basically, I'm just trying to avoid having to install Atmel Studio or any of the huge "proper" IDE's.

Alternatively, are there any no-installation AVR-GCC build-systems available that have a similar interface?

I'm on windows, FWIW.

Best Answer

Well, I wound up modifying the Stino plugin for sublime text to do what I wanted.

Stino is a plugin that lets you use a proper text-editor with the arduino processes.

enter image description here

Modified fork is available here. It's now part of the main Stino distribution.