Electronic – Assigning the different value to parameters in Generate block in Verilog


I want to instantiate a module having parameters using generate block. But I want to assign different values to parameter for different instantiation of the module.

For example:

This is my module that I want to instantiate and it has parameters DATA_WIDTH & SIZE_WIDTH .

module gen_module (
     input clk,
     input rst );

     parameter [3:0] DATA_WIDTH = 1;
     parameter [3:0] SIZE_WIDTH = 2;


This is another module in which I am instantiating gen_module using generate statement. (But here I am using only one parameter value of D_WIDTH and S_WIDTH for all instantiation )

[It is working but with single value for all]

module top_module ();

    wire clk;
    wire rst;

    parameter N = 5;
    parameter [3:0] D_WIDTH = 7;
    parameter [3:0] S_WIDTH = 4;

    genvar j;

        for(j = 0; j <= N; j=j+1) begin : GEN_BLOCK
           gen_module #(.DATA_WIDTH(D_WIDTH), .SIZE_WIDTH(S_WIDTH)) i_gen_module (
             .clk (clk),
             .rst (rst)


But I want to do something like this statement. (As I know parameter array is not applicable in Verilog)

gen_module #(.DATA_WIDTH(D_WIDTH[j]), .SIZE_WIDTH(S_WIDTH[j])) i_gen_module (

Here I want to give different values to D_WIDTH[j] & S_WIDTH[j] and want to use them to assign to parameters (DATA_WIDTH & SIZE_WIDTH) in generate block.

[Here J will change with for loop]

Best Answer

You can do this easily in SystemVerilog as you can declare a parameter that is an array and then select index of the parameter array inside the generate loop. Most simulation and synthesis tools already support this.

If you need to stay in Verilog, you can pack values into a parameter and then select a slice of parameter

module top_module ();

    wire clk;
    wire rst;

    parameter N = 5;
    // assuming width can fit in 4 bits
    parameter [(N*4)-1:0] D_WIDTH = {4'd1,4'd2,4'd3,4'd4,4'd5};
    parameter [(N*4)-1:0] S_WIDTH = {4'd6,4'd7,4'd8,4'd9,4'd8};

    genvar j;

        for(j = 0; j < N; j = j+1) begin : GEN_BLOCK
           gen_module #(.DATA_WIDTH (D_WIDTH[j*4+:4]), .SIZE_WIDTH (S_WIDTH[j*4+:4])) i_gen_module (
              .clk (clk),
              .rst (rst)
