Electronic – Automatically renumbering element parts in Eagle


I have a circuit in Eagle, and say that counting from left, I have R1, R2, R3, then between R1 and R2 I'm adding a new resistor, it will be named R4. I will end with (looking on the circuit) R1, R4, R2, R3.

It's not ordered.

I would like to keep elements ids (separately for each element type, e.g resistors, capacitors) in order from lowest to highest (counting from left). Is there a script or settings in eagle that will do it automatically for me?

Best Answer

Although Tom Carpenters anwser is right, I am adding this as an alternative.

Eagle already has an inbuilt tool that will allow you to renumber parts without the need for external ULP scripts.

In your schematic editor in your menu, open "Tools" and click "Renumber parts". This will automatically renumber all your parts in the schematic as you wish.