Electronic – AVR ATtiny2313 fuse-bit confirmation


I'm programming an ATtiny2313, with some hex for an infrared remote IgorPlug with AVR via USB, I'm new to AVR and need to confirm please that what he refers to the fuse configuration:

Q: Is possible to use ATtiny2313 instead AT90S2313?

A: The device is compiled for AT90S2313 but works also on ATtiny2313 – same HEX file (binary compatible). For correct operation on ATtiny2313 you must set fuses during programming: disable division the external clock by 4 and enable high speed XTALL.

So is this correct?

low: Oxff 
High: 0xff
Extended: 0xff

I need to use a 12 MHz xtal

Best Answer

CKDIV8 must be 1 (unprogrammed), and CKSEL must be %1111. The rest of the fuse bits are application-dependent and you must read the datasheet in order to determine what they should be.