Electronic – Baudrate of DS18B20

baudratebeaglebone blackuart

I'm trying to connect a DS18B20 to my Beaglebone Black. Now I wan't to determine the Baudrate but can't find it in the Datasheet of the DS18B20.

In the internet I saw different ones (9600, 19200). Can I simply choose one the Sensor pick's up on it? If so up to what maximal rate?

Sorry for this RTFM question, but I really can't find the answer for that.

Best Answer

You don't normally connect 1-wire devices to UARTs. So you don't need to set a baud-rate.

See Beaglebone Black 1-wire or ditto with Arch Linux

As an aside, 1-wire support is standard in the Raspian OS used on the Raspberry pi, it seems somewhat easier to use.