Electronic – Bootloader for the 8051 MCU


First things first,I am a total newbie to the 8051 MCU. I want to get started with 8051 MCU (At89s52). I've got the compiler and all (sdcc),now all I need is a bootloader.However I can't find one,Do I need to create my own or is there any pre existing bootloaders

Best Answer

After reset (either a hard reset or an instruction reset) the program counter returns to 00h. Whatever instruction is located there then gets loaded into the processor.

This is dependent on what kind of I/O (or system architecture) you have attached to the processor. If you have a ROM attached (with the enable lines configured right) then it will load the instruction from 00h into the processor and start your program or OS on the ROM.

With the At89s52 you need to program the ROM