Electronic – burden resistor and/or voltage divider in an energy-sensing CT setup

current measurementvoltage dividervoltage measurement

I want to (eventually) build myself a home power monitor using basic current transformers. While reading on various circuit designs, I've stumbled upon what must be a very basic question. If we look at the circuit diagram


my question is:

What's the effective difference between the burden resistor and the voltage divider portions?

1) From my (clearly limited) understanding the burden resistor exists to put some meaningful load on the CT secondary – and in the process according to Ohm's law (?) it defines the ratio of the voltage across that resistor to the current in the secondary. Is this correct? — a higher value resistor here will raise the voltage on the secondary, so you choose the resistance to get an appropriately-scaled voltage for your measuring tool… yes?

2) if I have that part right (and that's a big 'if'…) then why would I also need a separate voltage divider in the circuit? Can you not just define your max voltage by the resistance of the burden?

3) bonus question: what is the purpose of C1 in this circuit – and why is there no value specified???

Best Answer

Here's your circuit: -

enter image description here

R1 and R2 divide the 5V dc supply to give you 2.5V and 2.5V is the mid-position of your ADC input. C1 provides an element of stability to that midpoint preventing 5V dc power supply noise affecting your readings.

The 2.5V lifts the ac voltage from your burden so that it appears as a waveform centred about 2.5V dc - this is what your ADC wants to see.

I'll also add that if you are wanting to measure power in your establishment/home then you need to measure line AC voltage too.