Electronic – Calculation of ripple voltage after rectifier (equation from TAOE)

filteringpower supplyrectifier

I am reading The Art of Electronics, Third Edition by Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill but I feel like I am missing something when the book comes to talk about (begins to, instead) Power-supply filtering (Chapter 1.6.3_A, page 32) after a half/full wave rectifier with capacitor.

In the A subparagraph, here is what it is said :

It is easy to calculate the approximate ripple voltage, particularly if it is small compared with the DC. The load causes the capacitor to discharge somewhat between cycles (or half-cycles, for full-waves rectification). If you assume that the load current stays constant (it will, for small ripple), you have :
\Delta V = \frac{I}{C}\Delta t
Just use 1/f (or 1/2f for full-wave rectification) for \$\Delta t\$ (this estimate is a bit one the safe side, because the capacitor begins charging again in less than a half-cycle). You get
\Delta V = \frac{I_{Load}}{fC}
for half-wave
\Delta V = \frac{I_{Load}}{2fC}
for full-wave

Ok, I don't understand where that comes from, more specifically the \$I_{Load}\$ term instead of \$I_{in} – I_{Load}\$ term that I found (see below). I tried to retrieve it, I don't.

Let's take the following schematic (which is used in the book):
enter image description here

The KCL and KVL gives respectively :
I_{in} = I_C + I_{Load} = C\frac{dV_{Load}}{dt} + I_{Load}
V_C = V_{Load} = V

The latter is quite useless in fact. So, if we work with the KCL equation :
\Delta V = \frac{I_{in} – I_{Load}}{Cf}
for a half-wave rectifier. And :
\Delta V = \frac{I_{in} – I_{Load}}{2Cf}
for a full-wave rectifier.

What am I doing wrong ? Why don't I find the same equation that the book gives ?

Thanks !

Best Answer

Commenter @carloc has it right. Just to go into a little more detail:

KCL works for average current, and it works for instantaneous current, but of course you have to be consistent in what you are comparing.

Looking at the average: The average (DC) value of current in a capacitor is zero, so then Iin (avg) = Iload (avg), and the average change is voltage is zero, since it increases and decreases by the same amount each cycle once you reach steady state.

Looking at the instantaneous current is more useful because you are trying to find the amount the voltage drops during the time the diodes are off, Iin = 0, and the capacitor is supplying all the load current. As @carloc says, Iin is zero for most of the cycle, because the diodes are only forward biased for a small period of time near the positive and negative peaks of the input AC voltage. If you set Iin = 0 then your equation matches the book except for the sign, but peak-to-peak ripple is conventionally given as a positive number so you would take the absolute value.

By the way, it is an approximate formula. If the ripple voltage is high and/or diode and transformer resistance limit the diode current, then the forward biased time is an appreciable fraction of the cycle and you can no longer assume the discharge time is T/2 (full wave) or T (half-wave).