Electronic – Can we connect battery negative terminal to oscilloscope ground

batteriesgroundoscilloscopepowerpower supply

I want to test my setup with 200Ah battery and check the outputs on oscilloscope. While testing can I connect battery ground to the oscilloscope ground?

Is there any safety risk, as oscilloscope internally connected to earth? If I connect to battery's negative terminal, it will be connected to earth. Will it cause any hazard? Battery is of 12 V.

Best Answer

you are right, you oscilloscope gnd is connected to earth.

You battery can modeled basically by a floating voltage source of 12V. Because it is floating, you can connect its minus terminal to the gnd of the oscilloscope.

At the positive terminal of the battery you will get a voltage that is 12V greater than your oscilloscope gnd. If now you want to measure that 12V with your oscilloscope probe, make sure that 12V is not greater than the max input voltage of the probe. This is generally not an issues if you use standard 10x,1Mohm probes.

But pay attention if you plan to connect to the oscilloscope directly using a BNC connector for instance. The Inputs of my Lecroy accept max 5V and are 50 ohm...

Imagine 12V in 50 ohm :

$$ P = \frac{U^2}R $$

$$ P = \frac{12^2}{50} = 2.88W $$

2.88W the be dissipated by the input of the scope...