Electronic – Capacitor DC Bias Characteristic question


If ceramic capacitors lose their capacitance values quickly with increasing voltage (for example most capacitors I looked at from Murata and TDK have a curve like this)

enter image description here

how do IC manufacturers specify what capacitances to use? For example if they say to use a 10uF capacitor – does that mean I should a find a capacitor that will give me 10uF at the voltage I'm operating at ? Or do they say this knowing that the 10uF cap I use will be lower to some extent?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Usually they mean they want 10uF in reality, up to you to pick a cap that will deliver, sometimes this really matters, TI rail splitters, looking at you....

I would note that the voltage derating thing is MUCH worse once you get down below about 0603 package size or so, and also when you start using the funkier dielectrics.