Electronic – Carry-lookahead adder – what happens to carry bit


I recreated and trying to understand for the sake of fun and learning the circuit that can be seen here on second page: Link . This is basically a 4-bit carry-lookahead adder, but there is one thing that I cannot understand. If there will be 1111 and carry bit will be 1, it looks like there is no way to pass a carry to the next unit. Turning carry bit on and off is irrelevant for the output (I mean here output information about carry). Maybe I'm missing something/recreated it wrong or some logic is in the "carry output" unit, anyone could explain it, and show how should connections between that kind of adders should look like? 🙂

You can download this circuit recreated in CEDAR Logic Simulator Here .


Best Answer

The carry input for each adder subunit (marked "PFA") is located on the bottom of the subunit schematic. It gets injected via the ripple carry subunit, which is duplicated for each adder unit.

Now I see what the issue is.

The reason the CLC has G and P outputs is for cascading into another CLC so that higher-order carries can be looked ahead (lookaheaded?). However:

If there are only four bits in the adder, then the logic circuit used for C1 can be used to generate C4 from these two outputs; we will later refer to the C1 logic block as OC (Output Carry) for generating the output carry from an adder, in this case, C4.

So, you need to duplicate the AND and OR gates at the LSb of the CLC in order to get C4 from G0-3 and P0-3.