Electronic – Changing a signal’s DC offset before amplifiter and ADC


I'm trying to feed an audio signal which has around 5v DC bias to an amplifier and then an ADC. the final signal should have 2.5v DC bias. i've mixed things i've learned off forums but i'm still not getting the desired result. i don't have an oscilloscope to check but when the samples are played back in android, the volume is too low so i'm guessing the DC bias is not set up correctly.

any input is appreciated

the output from stage 1 is biased at exactly 2.5v while the final output is biased at 3.68Volt!


  • C8 is 1uF in the actual soldered circuit
  • the output from stage 1 is biased at exactly 2.5v while the final output is biased at 3.68Volt!

Best Answer

As the output voltage is not at the correct DC level, but the DC bias is correct, change the amplifier. There is lots of other good advide here, particularly @ChrisR decoupling comments. Another point to note is the the virtual earth connections (ive Opamp inputs) are very sensitive to capacative pickup, so ensure that they are routed close to the amp and do not do near potentially noisy signals.