Electronic – Circuit analysis on op-amp with no negative feedback

basiccircuit analysisoperational-amplifier

In this diagram, there's an op-amp with no negative feedback. What is V+ (voltage at positive end of op-amp)?enter image description here

I'm self-learning circuits, and a resource I'm using says V+ = V3 / 2R. However, I don't understand why it's V3 / 2R. I know V3 is the voltage source thus there's the V3 there, but why isn't it V3 / 2 for example?

Best Answer

The source you are using is wrong. You know because the units are wrong -- a voltage divided by a resistance is a current, not a voltage. The correct expression is yielded using voltage division: \$\frac{V_3 \cdot R}{R+R}\$, which reduces to \$\frac{V_3}{2}\$. Notice now that the units are \$\frac{Volt \cdot Ohms}{Ohms}\$, or volts, and everything is consistent.

Good catch.